Open to Freedom, Science, Humans and the Future!


Let’s Make a Better World Together

The Open Party (in Finnish: Avoin Puolue) is a new movement, which unites people who want freedom, progress, and a better functioning society. We develop our society with constructive proposals based on reason. We strive for simple, well-working solutions based on facts and research, which can be supported by both left- and right-wing parties and people. We co-operate broadly with different groups. 

We understand how new technology can be used effectively to improve people’s well-being. We also stand out by taking our representative positions seriously and using them to promote new effective initiatives. 

We welcome everyone who shares our values to join us as a member. If you are eligible to vote in Finland, you can also run in the elections as our candidate. Depending on their length of stay, foreigners residing in Finland can vote in the municipal elections – including the next one in April 2025.

Are You Interested? Join In!

What do we mean with ’Open’?

Open to Freedom

We support the freedom of individuals. Everyone should be free to choose their way of life and express themselves, as long as they don’t harm others or their rights. 

An automatic Universal Basic Income belongs to all. It should replace application-based basic portions of unemployment, student, pension, and social benefits. Unlike the present system, an automatic payment every month gives the citizens’ real, practical freedom to start a company or to study, for example. Everybody’s contribution is important and valuable to society. 

Our tax system should be simple and equal. We can implement the taxation with a two-step fixed tax, where the percentages are equal for salary and capital income. When this is combined with the universal basic income we get in effect the desired progressive tax percentage, which works very efficiently by reducing bureaucracy and making tax avoidance by the rich and well-informed very difficult. 

Entrepreneurial freedom is very important to us. People need to be able to start companies and employ people without unnecessary red tape.

Open to Science

Science separates fact from fiction. The definition of science is that a false claim or result can be shown to be false. We cannot live or develop based on lies. When many researchers actively look for errors they eventually find out what is true and what is not. That’s why our political decisions need to be based on scientific facts, and not just what sounds good to us. It’s time for sensible decisions based on reason.

When solving problems we should first do what has the greatest effect in solving the problem instead of wasting time tinkering. For example climate change caused by humans is a scientific fact. We also know that nuclear power is the least harmful way of generating lots of stable power almost without emissions. It’s a much more effective way of fighting climate change than for example banning incandescent light bulbs. 

Open to All People

One of our society’s main aims is to offer as equal opportunities as possible to everyone. This means actively supporting those in the weakest positions, such as homeless people or those with disabilities and addictions.

We’d like to have a society where all humans feel that they belong together and can talk to each other as friends. There is a lot of empty space in Finland in the evenings and weekends, such as schools, offices, and unrented retail space. These can be opened for people to spend time together uncommercially and create new culture.

Our country is a republic governed by the people, so we need a transparent government that people can understand. Meetings of public organs should be by default public and streamed on the net. We are showing the way by live streaming our own council group meetings. Documents that are the basis of decisions in the meetings should clear and understandable. 

We want more direct democracy. Hybrid democracy, where voters can use their vote directly in parliamentary and city council votes when they want, makes direct democracy a part of every decision.

Open to the Future

We’re not aiming to repeat what has been done before. Nor do we want to turn back the time. The future is not certain, and we want to make it the best we can by finding and implementing progressive solutions. New technologies and ideas are the fuel for our politics. 

We’re not left- or right-wing. We co-operate across party boundaries on what we can agree on. We want to build together a better future for all. 

Join In!

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